''Science is defined as the ability to dictate the outcome of a desired resolution to a given problem, repeatedly, at will, under carefully controlled procedures.''
So let’s get straight to the point. Successfully reverse engineering the process, and effectively growing a thick healthy beard on an individual who’s facial hair is sparse, or who can’t grow beard, has yet to be scientifically proven.
If it were indeed true that we could grow a thick beard through our own will, I believe a large majority of men would have successfully undertaken the process and everyone would be walking around with a thick manly beard, as beards are a cultural symbol of virility, masculinity, and wisdom. It’s in human nature to look towards one specific reason as to why we are or aren’t receiving our desired results, and categorize and label that one reason as the definitive truth.
Oftentimes the truth requires examining a variety of differing possibilities that attribute to a desired outcome, a cognitive capacity that, in the age of technology, smart phones and rapid speed answers, has diminished significantly.
We ourselves at the Dillingers team also wish to get to the bottom of this mystery of the universe, in an attempt to properly educate ourselves as well as the public. We aim to seek the truth and causes of actual effective beard growth.
Today, we’ll be reviewing a variety of different reasons that are contributing to, or detrimenting, the growth of your facial hair. Any theory that cannot be backed up with scientific evidence is merely a hypothesis, therefore I openly claim, before beginning, that the first point I wish to point out is the most scientifically significant determinant of facial hair growth.
Let’s take a look at scientifically what actually causes thick beard growth. Unfortunately, I’m going to start with the bad news but there is however a glimmer of light at the end of every dark tunnel.
#1 Genetics
Heritability of facial hair growth https://www.ancestry.com/lp/traits/facial-hair-thickness
The inborn traits that us men preoccupy ourselves with (Height, muscular density, IQ, penis size, vocal chords) are largely determined by genetics.
Yes, there are processes we can undertake to enhance our attributes, but only within their predefined limits.
If we all possessed the ability to significantly increase our attributes through our own doing, every man on earth would be walking around as a 6ft 3 Adonis God, with bulging 6 pack muscles, an IQ level matching Einstein’s, a 10 inch penis slapping against the side of our knees, a deep baritone Johnny Cash voice and a thick Vikings beard. But that’s not the case, human beings differ across many domains and what one lacks, the other excels in.
Life is much like an MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online role playing game) like “The World Of Warcraft”. We would aim give you a haircut befitting to your facial shape and structure in an attempt to mask your deficits and increase your attributes. It’s the same with genetics, play your strengths and minimize your deficits, in order to live the best life you possibly can. Let’s be completely transparent, if you’re incapable of growing ANY facial hair, at the age of 40, you’re probably out of the game (unless you decide to get a beard transplant).
If you can grow sparse facial hair, there may potentially be a glimmer of hope. As men age, their physical frame widens out. As they age, their facial hair typically grows thicker.
IQ heritability https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heritability_of_IQ
Height heritability https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/traits/height
Vocal chord heritability https://www.labroots.com/trending/genetics-and-genomics/14627/voices-genetic
Heritability of muscularity https://vitals.lifehacker.com/how-much-does-genetics-really-affect-your-fitness-1747333767
Penis size heritability https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/the-genetic-science-of-penis-size
Nevertheless, if we’re aware of the fact that life itself imposes her limitations of nature upon us, why not do our best to maximize what we can within our limits? In other words, although genetics prove to be a dominant influencing factor in regards to beard growth, thickness, and volume, we can enhance what we’re born with and make the best of what we have (If you have anything in the first place).
Now that the depressing news is out of the way, lets proceed with the optimistic endeavors we can undertake to influence beard growth.
# 2 Diet
The scientific literature is evident. Eating a clean, natural, wholesome diet influences the manner our bodies react biologically, cognitively, and emotionally.
What you decide to put into your body is precisely what you will get out of it. Much like vehicles, the usage of certain types oils and gasoline can drastically affect the longevity and mileage you get out of your car. The human body is a wonderful specimen that we have yet to fully comprehend the inner workings of.
Muscular growth and stimulation require lean protein, stress, and sufficient rest to properly regenerate. In order to maximize the rate at which you can comprehend and effectively disassemble complex problems, the brain requires omega 3 fatty acids from fresh fish, avocadoes, and nuts to maximize it’s processing speed. In order for healthy hair itself to grow steadily and uninterrupted, an emphasis on a diet based on biotin(eggs), selenium(brazil nuts), omega 3 fatty acids(fish), vitamin D(mushrooms), and the l-lysine amino acid(beef) as well as iron (chicken liver) and zinc (oysters) are crucial for optimal healthy hair growth.
Required nutrients for optimal cognitive function: https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/foods-linked-to-better-brainpower
Required nutrients for muscular regeneration https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/eat-after-workout
Required nutrients for heathy stimulation of hair growth https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324949
#3 Skin care
As hair growth is initiated beneath the surface of the skin, any substance or residue laying on the surface area itself, clogging the pores can potentially impede the rate at which the hair allows itself to push up and out of the pores of the skin.
Besides the fact that washing, exfoliating, and moisturizing the skin on your face stimulates your skin’s natural elasticity, reduces wrinkles, and contributes to the overall luminosity of your face, undertaking the following procedures also stimulate the healthy growth of beard hair beneath the follicles.
Generally, a 3 step process contributes to the maximum health of your skin, and pores, encouraging the optimal health of the workings underneath the pores.
1. Washing the skin with a light facial cleanser removes dirt, sweat, oil, and debris itself from the surface of the skin. *(Moreover, washing your face is even more relevant to the times we currently live in as a basic hygienic practice. It’s currently of fashion to wear reusable cotton based masks in the fight against Covid-19. Not only do the masks themselves require to be washed every day, but the debris and buildup from the heat of your breath underneath the mask sticking to your face, must be washed every day.)
2.Exfoliating the skin. After washing the surface of the skin itself, a deep cleansing of the pores beneath the layers is still required to remove debris from underneath your clogged pores. Deep exfoliation strips the skin of it’s dead layers allowing the pores of your skin to breath effectively.
3.Moisturizing the skin regardless of cold Canadian winters is required due to the majority of major Canadian cities water supplies being fluoridated and chlorinated. Fluoride and chlorine are used to kill bacteria in major water supplies but as a result, they often cause skin to dry out, as well as stimulate other health related issues.
Effects of Fluoride in drinking water on the body by the World Health Organization https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/diseases-risks/diseases/fluorosis/en/
#4 Beard care products & beard grooming kits
By ranking the determining factors of beard growth by influential order, we’ve left beard care products themselves last. Not to say they are unimportant, but the first 3 factors contribute more of an influence over effective facial hair growth. In doing so, we hope to have been as truthful as possible with the public in regards to the main contributing factor which is outside of your scope of control (genetics) and 3 factors that are within your control in order to influence your predetermined genetically heritable limitations.
With that being said, beard oils will undoubtedly promote healthier facial hair itself due to the essential oils that are found in the ingredients.
However, in order for healthy hair to continue it’s growth in such a manner, the recommendation of proper skin care rituals are what stimulate the growth itself. Which is why we place more of an emphasis on cleaning beneath the pores to allow the opportunity for hair to grow thick and full. Aesthetically, beard balm and products do indeed give the beard a thicker fuller appearance without a doubt. Brushing and combing the beard in it’s proper correct growth direction allows longer hairs to potentially cover patches and thinner areas of your beard.
Therefore, after all is said and done we would recommend using 3 items for the appearance of the beard itself, not for the stimulation of growth.
- 1. A brush or a comb – Brush and comb the beard in the desired direction of growth in order to distribute the hair across the thinner patches of hair
- 2. Beard oil – The minimal application of oil will not only give the beard a thicker healthier appearance but will promote healthy facial hair right from the center of the cuticle, cusing the hair to expand in length and width (increasing volume)
- 3. Beard Balm – Beard balm will tame stragglers from sticking up and out which may cause the beard itself to appear patchier. Beard hair must lay flat in order to give it the appearance of fullness. The weight of the balm laid upon the hair will encourage the hair to stay tight and down on the face instead of loose and up.
We hope this article was informative enough to influence the factors that are in your control in regards to beard growth (Diet, Skin care, Beard products, stress levels), and to accept the one factor that is outside of your control.
Do your personal best, to work with what you have.