# 1 Use quality soap
Stringent hand washing measures have been implemented across the world during the Covid- 19 pandemic in an attempt to control the spread of the virus. While it's generally encouraged to wash your hands often throughout the day, we have to keep in mind the quality of the soap that we're using to constantly wash our hands, as well as the side effects that come along with such a compulsive habit.
The majority of hand soap on the market accomplishes the aim that you use soap for ; To kill bacteria, germs, and viruses that could be a potential threat to our health. There is a trade off however, and it usually makes itself known through dry cracked skin on your hands. This is especially true for hand sanitizer, which derives it's base from alcohol. Alcohol dries out your skin.
Make sure to pay attention to the ingredients used in your hand soap, and aim to pick products that have a sanitizing as well as a moisturizing agent EG; coconut oil, shea butter, aloe vera.
#2 Moisturize
Whether you work in manual labor, have been exposed to harsh elements, or have just chosen to neglect your dry hands, we must stress the importance of moisturizing. Along with using a soap that contains moisturizing ingredients, it's also important to implement the habit of moisturizing your hands on a daily basis. A combination of a fluoridated water supply, and surface stripping soap, heavily contributes to dry cracked hands. Again we recommend using a moisturizer that has coconut oil, shea butter, or aloe vera as a base.
# 3 Nail health
Instead of biting your nails it might be a good idea to get into the habit of taking meticulous care of them for your own hygiene purposes. Practicing regular nail clipping, filing, and scraping the collected dirt from underneath your nails are among the next healthiest practices to maintain optimal hand hygiene and healthy aesthetics. We recommend using something basic like this Rockwell hand and feet manicure set.